How much is that 'Vette really
worth? Do the numbers match? Am I getting a good deal or am I being taken
to the cleaners? These are the kinds of questions the Still Cruisin'
Corvettes appraisers can answer, putting your mind at ease when you're
jumping into the classic Corvette marketplace, either as a novice or a
veteran buyer. Chief appraiser Chuck Berge has over thirty years of
experience repairing, rebuilding, buying and selling Corvettes of every
vintage. Whether it be the ever-in-demand mid year classics (Chuck's specialty)
or those coming from Bowling Green, you can be sure he'll give you the
straight, honest story, about that 'Vette that looks so good (on the surface).
Is the stamp pad on the engine block milled or painted? Does it make a difference?
How much are matching numbers worth? What ARE matching numbers? When you're ready
to buy a Corvette, especially a mature one, you want to be sure you're doing the
right thing. Most people are willing to pay what a car is worth, but that's the
big question: What IS that car worth? Well, when it comes to Corvettes, Still
Cruisin' knows, and when you sign on with Still Cruisin, so will you.
You determine the amount of help you'll need, anywhere from answering a few
questions to doing an on-site assessment or operational determination. Check
with the Still Cruisin' team when you're ready to go with the best.